Research Highlights

2021 Literature Highlights

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Beyer S., Alonzo S. H., Sogard S. M. 2021. Zero, one or more broods: reproductive plasticity in response to temperature, food, and body size in the live-bearing rosy rockfish Sebastes rosaceus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 669.

Biggs C., Erisman B. 2021. Transmission loss of Fish Spawning Vocalizations and the Detection Range of Passive Acoustic Sampling in Very Shallow Estuarine Environments. Estuaries and Coasts, 44: 2026–2038.

Biggs C., Heyman W., Farmer N., Kobara S. i., Bolser D., Robinson J., Lowerre-Barbieri S., Erisman B. 2021. The importance of spawning behavior in understanding the vulnerability of exploited marine fishes in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Peerj, 9: e11814.

Binder B. M., Taylor J. C., Gregg K., Boswell K. M. 2021. Fish Spawning Aggregations in the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area: A Case Study Synthesis of User Reports, Literature, and Field Validation Efforts. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8.

Brown-Peterson, N.J., R.T. Leaf and A.J. Leontiou. 2021.Importance of depth and artificial structure as predictors of female Red Snapper reproductive parameters. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 150(1):115-129.

Caiger P. E., Lefebve L. S., Llopiz J. K. 2021. Growth and reproduction in mesopelagic fishes: a literature synthesis. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Carpi P., Loher T., Sadorus L., Forsberg J., Webster R., Planas J., Jasonowicz A., Stewart I., Hicks A. 2021. Ontogenetic and spawning migration of Pacific halibut: a review. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 31: 879–908.

Chenet T., Mancia A., Bono G., Falsone F., Scannella D., Vaccaro C., Baldi A., Catani M., Cavazzini A., Pasti L. 2021. Plastic ingestion by Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) from central Mediterranean Sea: A potential cause for endocrine disruption. Environmental Pollution: 117449.

Claireaux M., dos Santos Schmidt T. C., Olsen E. M., Slotte A., Varpe Ø., Heino M., Enberg K. 2021. Eight decades of adaptive changes in herring reproductive investment: the joint effect of environment and exploitation. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78: 631–639.

Concannon C. A., Cross E. L., Jones L. F., Murray C. S., Matassa C. M., McBride R. S., Baumann H. 2021. Temperature-dependent effects on fecundity in a serial broadcast spawning fish after whole-life high CO2 exposure. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Conrath C., Hulson P.-J. 2021. Temporal variability in the reproductive parameters of deepwater rockfishes in the Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Research, 237: 105876.

Denechaud C., Geffen A. J., Smoliński S., Godiksen J. A. 2021. Otolith “spawning zones” across multiple Atlantic cod populations: Do they accurately record maturity and spawning? Plos One, 16: e0257218.

dos Santos Schmidt T. C., Hay D., Sundby S., Devine J., Óskarsson G., Slotte A., Wuenschel M., Lajus D., Johannessen A., van Damme C., Bucholtz R., Kjesbu O. 2021. Adult body growth and reproductive investment vary markedly within and across Atlantic and Pacific herring: a meta-analysis and review of 26 stocks. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 31.

dos Santos Schmidt T. C., Thorsen A., Slotte A., Nøttestad L., Kjesbu O. 2021. First thorough assessment of de novo oocyte recruitment in a teleost serial spawner, the Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) case. Scientific Reports, 11.

Ferreri R., Genovese, S., Barra, M., Biagiotti, I., Bourdeix, J., De Felice, A., Gašparević, D., Hattab, T., Iglesias, M., Juretić, T., Leonori, I., Malavolti, S., Raykov, V., Saraux, C., Tičina, V., Ventero, A., Basilone, G. 2021. Variability in size at maturity of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 22: 858-870.

Ferreri R., Barra M., Gargano A., Aronica S., Bonanno A., Genovese S., Rumolo P., Basilone G. 2021. New Evaluation of Postovulatory Follicle Degeneration at High-Temperature Regimes Refines Criteria for the Identification of Spawning Cohorts in the European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus). Animals, 11: 529.

Hôrková-Žitňanová K., Švolíková K., Haruštiaková D., Kováč V. 2021. A New Approach to Evaluate Reproductive Traits in Batch-Spawning Fishes of Indeterminate Fecundity and Asynchronous Oocyte Maturation. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture: 1-35.

Iqbal M. F., Liew H. J., Rahmah S. 2021. Dietary Protein Level Influenced Reproductive Development of Hoven’s carp Leptobarbus hoevenii Female Broodstock. Animal Feed Science and Technology: 115112.

Jansen T., Slotte A., Christina dos Santos Schmidt T., Reedtz Sparrevohn C., Arge Jacobsen J., Sigurd Kjesbu O. 2021. Bioenergetics of egg production in Northeast Atlantic mackerel reveal misconcepted perception of fecundity type and annual trends in spawning stock biomass. Progress in Oceanography: 102658.

K Forsgren, RS McBride, T Nakatsubo, TM Thys, CD Carson, E Tholke, L Kubicek, Potter I. 2021. Reproductive biology of the ocean sunfishes. In The Ocean Sunfishes: Evolution, Biology and Conservation Ed. by Thys T, Hays G, Houghton J. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press. pp: 87-104,

Lam L. S., Basnett B. L., Haltuch M. A., Cope J., Andrews K., Nichols K. M., Longo G. C., Samhouri J. F., Hamilton S. L. 2021. Geographic variability in lingcod Ophiodon elongatus life history and demography along the US West Coast: oceanographic drivers and management implications. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 670: 203-222.

Leontiou A., Wu W., Brown-Peterson N. 2021. Immature and mature female Red Snapper habitat use in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 44: 101715.

Leontiou A., Wu W., Brown-Peterson N. 2021. The Role of Maturity in Artificial Habitat Selection by Female Red Snapper. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13: 332-344.

Marshall D., Bode M., Mangel M., Arlinghaus R., Dick E. 2021. Reproductive hyperallometry and managing the world’s fisheries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118: e2100695118.

Meyer K. A., Schill D. J. 2021. The Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory and size at maturity/maximum size relationships for salmonid populations occupying flowing waters. Journal of Fish Biology, 98: 44-49.

Min, M.A., Head, M.A., Cope, J.M. et al. 2022. Limitations and applications of macroscopic maturity analyses: a comparison of histological and visual maturity for three west coast groundfish species. Environ Biol Fish.

Mouchlianitis F. A., Schultz E. T., dos Santos Schmidt T. C., Davis J. P., Ganias K. 2021. Ovarian dynamics and fecundity regulation in blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis, from the Connecticut River, US. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 37: 64-72.

Pensinger L., Brown-Peterson N., Green C., Midway S. 2021. Reproductive biology of hardhead catfish Ariopsis felis: Evidence for overwintering oocytes. Journal of Fish Biology, 99.

Poulet C., Paumier A., Lassalle G., Pierre M., Lambert P. 2021. Simulating upstream migration and spawning timing effects to allis shad reproductive success. Environmental Biology of Fishes.

Reed E., Brown-Peterson N., DeMartini E., Andrews A. 2021. Reproductive Characteristics of Longtailed Red Snapper (Onaga, Etelis coruscans) in the Main Hawaiian Islands.

Rørvik C., Bogstad B., Ottersen G., Kjesbu O. 2021. Long-term interplay between harvest regimes and biophysical conditions may lead to persistent changes in age-at-sexual maturity of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Schemmel E. 2021. Size at maturity for yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) from the Oahu, HI, aquarium fishery. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 104: 1139-1147.

Schemmel E., Nichols R., Cruz E., Boyer J., Camacho F. 2021. Growth, mortality, and reproduction of the oblique-banded snapper (Pristipomoides zonatus) in Guam. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Shackell N. L., Fisher J. A. D., den Heyer C. E., Hennen D. R., Seitz A. C., Le Bris A., Robert D., Kersula M. E., Cadrin S. X., McBride R. S., McGuire C. H., Kess T., Ransier K. T., Liu C., Czich A., Frank K. T. 2021. Spatial ecology of Atlantic halibut across the northwest Atlantic: A recovering species in an era of climate change. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture: 1–25.

TenBrink TT, TE Helser. 2021. Reproductive biology, size and age structure of Harlequin Rockfish: spatial analysis of life history traits. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 13: 463-477. DOI: 10.1002/mcf2.10172