
Links to National MARVLS Workshops.


The NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center hosted the 5th biennial meeting for the Maturity Assessment Reproductive Variability and Life Strategies (MARVLS) working group in conjunction with the National Meeting of the American Fisheries Society in Honolulu in September 14 - 20, 2024.

Workshop Events


2023 Joint NSAW & MARVLS meeting (May 9-11, 2023). Proceedings are available at NOAA library here.

MARVLS visits the NMFS-NEFSC Woods Hole Lab for the day, May 11, 2023. Back row (l-r): D. Wyanski (SC-DNR), J. O’Malley (PIFSC), K. Kolmos (SC-DNR), C. Jones (IPHC), C. Conrath (AFSC), Y. Press (NEFSC [IBSS]), K. James (SWFSC), M. Wuenschel (NEFSC). Next row: R. McBride (NEFSC), R. Rideout (DFO), W. Sinkus (SC-DNR), N. Brown-Peterson, E. Tholke (NEFSC [IBSS]), C. Rosemond (OSU), L. Munoz Abril (DISL), M. Passerotti (NEFSC), L. Lefebvre (WHOI). Front Row: K. Lesyna (DCFW), H. Conrad (VT), A. Pacicco (SEFSC [CIMAS]), B. Erisman (SWFSC), R. Dominguez-Petit (IEO-CSIC [Spain]), C. Wells (SC-DNR), M. Taliercio (SC-DNR), E. Reed (PIFSC), C. Rodgeveller (AFSC), S. Beyer (UW), H. Moncrief-Cox (SEFSC [CIMAS]), E. Schemmel (PIFSC). Missing: N. Klibansky (SEFSC), B. Linton (NEFSC), S. McDermott (AFSC), S. Neidetcher (AFSC), E. Slesinger (AFSC-OSU).


2020 Joint NSAW & MARVLS meeting: 4th National MARVLS Workshop rescheduled. In-person workshop canceled but a virtual histology workshop was held. Results from virtual histology workshop


2018 Panama City, Florida 3rd National MARVLS Workshop


2016 La,Jolla, 2nd National MARVLS Workshop


2014 1st National MARVLS Workshop